exceed standards
Black Hawk Farms began as a family partnership focused on raising high quality beef. From the ground up, we crafted a beef program that exceeds industry standards and challenges the status quo of ranching. Combining our resources and expertise in crop and livestock production, we began building a herd of exceptional American Wagyu cattle on our pastures, located in a historical township known as Black Hawk, Kentucky, hence our farm’s name.
“Our goal was simple: to sustainably breed, raise, and finish the most delicious beef possible .”
- founders brandon oliver, milton cook
We set out to go beyond the traditional path of cow-calf farming operations that are common in Kentucky. Rather than sending our calves out West at 8 to 9 months of age, we decided to keep them on our farm throughout the entire life cycle and finish them with our home grown feed.
This plan was unheard of in Kentucky and significant innovation was required to pull it off. With the help of the University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture, we created a sustainable and environmentally friendly process to finish beef locally in Kentucky. From rotational grazing methods in our pastures to recycling barn compost into fertilizer, we’re able to produce an amazing product while also protecting the environment.